RALLY RAISES MORE THAN $700,000 | Mystery Box Rally Skip to content

Media Release

6 December 2017


MORE THAN $700,000

A Dubbo team won one of the most-prized awards of Mystery Box Rally last week, when DubVegas Duo was named ?Spirit of the Rally? winner.

The duo, made up of Jason McCoy and Darrin Edwards, best epitomised what the fundraising rally is all about, including celebrating life, supporting others, getting involved, and watching out for each other.

DubVegas Duo was also fifth highest fundraiser from among 150 teams, raising more than $12,000. Two sisters from Sydney dressed as clowns ? Team Circuscision ? were the highest fundraisers, raising an incredible $23,000 so far.

After driving more than 2,500 kilometres across Western NSW in cars at least 25 years old ? and changing their route on the final day to avoid last week?s massive rains ? collectively the teams have raised more than $700,000.

That amount will keep ticking over as teams from around Australia finalise their fundraising efforts.

Seven cars couldn?t complete the rally, but as always, teams are never left behind and all of them joined their groups to continue the rally. This included the Dodge Brothers of Melbourne, who won Best Breakdown Award. Their transmission blew just 9km after departing Dubbo, but the father and son team decided to stay on, taking part as passengers in various cars.

Rally founder James Freeman thanked the participants and communities who hosted them along the way, including Dubbo, which was the start and finish for this year?s route.

Teams were only informed of their daily route and stopover each morning ? the ?mystery? of the rally. This year?s stopovers were Tilpa, Cameron Corner, Wanaaring and Glengarry Hilton.

?We want to share a big thank you to the communities we visited. We had a ball and, most importantly, have continued to add to the millions which Box Rallies has raised since 2010,? James Freeman said.

?These funds will go to Cancer Council for ground breaking research in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

?It was a hot, tough but ultimately hugely fun rally with plenty of smiles every day. The teams did brilliantly with their fundraising and worked together to have a truly memorable experience. It will be great to see a lot of them returning for the 2018 rally!?

Mystery Box is part of Box Rallies, the leading independent fundraiser for Cancer Council nationally, devised in 2009 by James Freeman after both his parents died of cancer within 12 months of each other. Box Rallies includes Shitbox Rally ? the next Shitbox is Brisbane to Darwin in May 2018 and those teams have already begun their fundraising work.

Mystery Box donations are still being accepted at www.mysteryboxrally.com.au/

Mystery Box thanks its rally partner, Rally School.


Media enquiries including the latest images:

Michelle Prak 0409 964 331  michelle@prakky.com.au